Effective March 10, 2022, the Ohio Department of Health rescinded the September 3, 2022, order that required certain reporting and notification of COVID-19 cases in K-12 schools to parents and to local health departments. K-12 schools are no longer required to maintain a reporting system for parents to report positive tests or cases; no longer required to notify parents or guardians of the existence of a case of COVID-19 among staff, students, and/or coaches; and no longer required to report such a case to the local health department (unless the test is done by the school, and the result is positive). As a result of this change, families no longer need to report positive cases of COVID-19 to their child’s school.
Though K-12 schools are no longer obligated to report positive COVID-19 cases, subject to the above exception, other Ohio Department of Health recommendations remain in effect regarding mitigation strategies like thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing shared materials, encouraging students to wash and sanitize their hands throughout the course of the school day, practicing social distancing, and vigilantly assessing members of the school community for symptoms of COVID-19 . ODH’s Mask to Stay/Test to Play recommendations remain in effect as well regarding recommended quarantine and isolation measures for district students.