Trusted counsel as a dedicated member of your district's team.
Gingo & Bair Law provides comprehensive education law guidance based on the unique needs of your school district, recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach is not compatible with today's complex PreK-12 structure. With an understanding of small-firm and large-firm models, the firm provides districts with "in-house" professional services that foster a close attorney-client relationship rooted in trust and confidence.
Hiring and retention of employees
Fair separation from employment practices - non-renewals, termination, resignation
Negotiating collective bargaining agreements - lead negotiator and "behind the scenes" guidance
Interpreting collective bargaining agreements
Grievances - from informal step to arbitration
Investigator for employee misconduct
Experience litigating in multiple venues
Guidance on state and federal employment laws
Government agency representation (EEOC, OCRC, OCR, SERB)
Compliance with Ohio's Sunshine Law
Reviewing and revising Board policies and administrative guidelines
Responding to public records requests
Vendor contract negotiations
Impact of e-media on board members
Ethics compliance issues
Professional training for employees and board members
Managing communications to the public
Experience litigating in multiple venues
Student discipline - compliance, best practices, and dispute resolution
Guidance on state and federal special education laws (IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act)
Consultation on school boards’ obligations regarding identification and evaluation of students with disabilities
Development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and Section 504 Plans
Constitutional issues unique to school districts
Health and safety concerns
Timely guidance on key issues - e.g., social media issues, transgender students
Student transportation
Residency and enrollment issues
Board policy/regulation and student handbook best practices
Professional training for employees and administrators